Thursday 31 January 2013

Preview Image of "Trading Places"


Here we get our first look at this dog that Zoe's crushing over (whose name, according to the synopsis for this Saturday's episode, is "Digby"), and the reason why she needs "Penny Ling to relay her feelings" for Digby.

I guess if you're a purple dog the size of a guinea pig that wears a hat and your head is 4x the size of your body, and you can use your paws as hands to hold a picture frame, then having a zit that's bigger than your nose is nothing extraordinary.


  1. I know that feel, Zoe. I know that feel.

    1. Are we saying that...Zoe's going through puberty??

    2. Wow. You were right on the money with that "Gender-flipped Cyrano De Bergerac" idea two weeks ago!

      ...I think...

    3. Yeah, I'm really excited that I got it right about it being Cyrano (ugly nose and everything). I'm gaining psychic powers like Sunil. 83

      Hopefully, no one dies at the end of this episode.

    4. HA! In-episode acknowledgement! You were dead on with that one! Most awesome!

  2. Wow. Didn't see that one coming.

    This actually adds a whole new dimension to the episode; we get to see the insecure side of Zoe. Can't wait to see the character development in this one!

    I still wish they'd give us more of a glimpse at what kind of trouble Russell gets into at Blythe's school. Maybe we'll actually see some more of Jasper!

    1. Well Jasper gets even less screen time than Roger. I support Jasper x Youngmee, those two are so cute together.

    2. I still think it's weird that Roger (and the Twins) get credited all the time even when they don't appear in an episode.
