Saturday 15 March 2014

"Littlest Bigfoot" - iTunes/Discussion/Downloads

YAY! It's another week of crazy pets, and they're going camping!

I remember the last time I went camping. It was around eight years ago. Wanted to do some astronomy. It was cloudy. I flipped off the sky.

I hope their camping trip goes better than mine.

Stream (Support Hasbro's advertisers)
"It pays for the stuff you wanna watch!" - Pepper Clark

iTunes HD
iTunes SD

TVRip from the Hub
TVRip from Europe
HD no watermark from other source

Any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower

And to all those who think this blog is dead. Well... CLEAR!


  1. "Little Bigfoot"

    The guest pet is so adorable, sadestic, but adorable. Also Blythe needs to give Ash Ketchem some lessons, she is the anti Ash. Thankfully she is smart . And Fisher Biskit he was a more realstic Captain Planet. His motivation was just to make money and was blinded by that, he wasn't doing it just for fun because he is evil, like the Captain Planet villains. Also the Biskits twins think Blythe is mean. I like that, I liked that they are not self aware and think of themselves as good and Blythe as bad, I think villains they know there evil and even refer to themselves as evil suck.

    And we got a mention of "So Interesting" yay. A middle of the road episode, don't love it, don't hate it.

  2. I find your lack of 1080p rips disturbing *waits for Ryaless*

    1. One cannot post something that doesn't exist.

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