Saturday 14 February 2015

A new source for episodes!

Hello, everyone. It's another week, but sadly, we have no episode of Littlest Pet Shop on tap.

(I thought we did, but turns out that's next week.)

So until then, we have an announcement.

A while back, there was a copyright crackdown on Dailymotion, and many episodes of Littlest Pet Shop were taken down. Specifically, versions that were sourced from iTunes.

Obviously, this has impacted The Pet Shop Insider (and myself, personally) in a few small ways, but thankfully, we have discovered a new, alternate source for episodes courtesy of an individual known only as DoubleLxx.

Now, we aren't ones to condone this kind of practice lightly, and do recommend you support Hasbro and the production team at DHX in whatever way you can. For instance, by purchasing the DVD releases. However for those out there without legitimate access to the show, we feel this is a valid alternative.

For those of you who know how to use Bittorrent, the rest of this should not require explanation. But for the majority of the population, we recommend you use the latest versions of either Deluge, or μTorrent to manage the downloads.

Just download and install the software, and the rest will run easily.

So far, only a few recent episodes have been posted, each of which we've posted here so you can download them with very little hassle. We also ask that you keep your client running, and seed for other fans who wish to watch the show.

Season 3:
Episode 15: Snow Stormin'
Episode 16: Back Window
Episode 17: Room Enough
Episode 18: Why Can’t We Be Friends?
Episode 19: Pet Sounds
Episode 20: The Sister Story
Episode 21: A Night At The Pawza
Episode 22: Proud as a...Peacock?

As a final note, we recommend that you be very careful with bittorrent and related bittorrent sites, since they tend to be a magnet for con-artists.

Good luck to all, and see you next week.

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