Saturday, 27 December 2014
"Back Window" - Downloads/Discussion
Hello everyone. Once again, it's another episode of Littlest Pet Shop that I totally forgot about!
This week, Russell witnesses a murder (probably)! Out of a window (maybe)! Through a telescope (probably not but that would make sense)!
HD from Discovery Family
HD w/o Watermark
As always, any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower, or by email at, and I'll post them as soon as I am able.
Saturday, 20 December 2014
"Snow Stormin'" - Stream/Downloads/Discussion
Back for the second week in a row, it's a winter-themed episode of Littlest Pet Shop! Exciting stuff.
The pets are snowed in, and feral. What could possibly go right!?
And good news for those who hate waiting. This week's episode got an early release on NetFlix. Likely a glitch.
The Brony Network (one week only)
Early High Definition Release (courtesy NetFlix and WingedArtist28)
HD from Discovery Family
HD from iTunes
Another HD from iTunes
As always, any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower, or by email at, and I'll post them as soon as I am able.
Saturday, 13 December 2014
"Winter Wonder Wha...?" - Downloads/Discussion
I feel the need to apologize for this late post. The PSI team appears to be out of practice. I, for instance spent the day preparing for a holiday trip, and completely forgot about the episode.
So in the spirit of correcting mistakes, the latest episode is available here for your enjoyment.
Again, apologies. I feel like a twit.
HD from
HD w/o watermark
As always, any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower, or by email at, and I'll post them as soon as I am able.
Monday, 8 December 2014
New Episode This Saturday
News out of Julie McNally Cahill's Twitter. The next episode of Littlest Pet Shop is airing this Saturday.
And fear not, we will be streaming the episode, somehow. I hope you'll all join us then.
@PinkiePie97 A new episode will air 12/13. I cannot talk about when the rest will air til the network announces it whenever that will be.
— Julie McNally Cahill (@jmccah) November 25, 2014
It's been a long wait, and I'm sure we're all excited.And fear not, we will be streaming the episode, somehow. I hope you'll all join us then.
Monday, 10 November 2014
HD Pet Songs!
Hasbro Studios Shorts (Hasbro's official YouTube account, located here) has recently been uploading lots of the pet songs in HD! If you want to watch them, go over to their channel, and dig through their many uploads. They shouldn't be too hard to find!
Friday, 17 October 2014
New Official Short: "Monkey Chase"
Hello once again. I know we're all chomping at the bit for more episodes of our favourite show. Thankfully, Hasbro seems to want to keep us satiated with these little shorts during the hiatus.
This week, it's all about Minka. Enjoy!
Available on YouTube
Friday, 3 October 2014
New Official Short: "Just Not Into It"
Hello everyone. It's been a long time with no news, sadly. Which is why I'm pleased to announce that a new short has been released by Hasbro. It's about boy bands... I think.
Available on YouTube
Saturday, 23 August 2014
"The Secret Recipe" - Stream/Downloads/Discussion
And now, the episode we've all been waiting for. This week, Blythe Baxter might finally reveal her secret identity to her best friend. Because it worked out so well for Peter Parker!
Oh, wait, I did that joke already.
Also, we've reached the mid-season finale, ladies and gentlemen. And the show is apparently going on an indefinite hiatus. I hope you'll all keep an eye on the Pet Shop Insider, for further information.
The Brony Network
On-demand (will be added as they become available)
TVRip from the Hub (480p)
TVRip from the Hub (1080p)
HD w/o watermark
Any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower, or by email at, and I'll post them as soon as I am able.
Friday, 22 August 2014
New Official Short: "The Fire Hydrant Song"
We have another official LPS short, and it's all about Zoe, and, given the title, I assume her bathroom habits... but I hope it's not that because that would be weird.
Available on YouTube
Saturday, 16 August 2014
"The Very Littlest Pet Shop" - Stream/Downloads/Discussion
This week, the shop gets miniaturized. So in honour of this non-sequitur, enjoy some Pepper fan art.
NB: Stream theatre has changed.
The Brony Network
On-demand (will be added as they become available)
TVRip from the Hub (1080p)
Any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower, or by email at, and I'll post them as soon as I am able.
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Saturday, 9 August 2014
"If the Shoe Fits" - Stream/Downloads/Discussion
This week, we see Blythe getting invited to the Biskits' birthday party. Try to keep the peace, girls.
The Brony Network
On-demand (will be added as they become available)
TVRip from the Hub (1080p)
Any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower, or by email at, and I'll post them as soon as I am able.
New Official Short: Life of Cake
Yes, another one of the very popular LPS shorts has been released. This time, about Sunil and cake.
Available on YouTube
Saturday, 2 August 2014
New Official Short: "Where'd the Escargot?"
Penny and Vinnie meet a few snails who are about to become lunch, because French people!
"How very racist... Thanks for opening the racist door for me!" - Frankie Boyle.
Available on YouTube.
"Fish Out of Water" - Stream/Downloads/Discussion
Another episode featuring Blythe. This time, she tries her hand at stalking. Because that's what you do on a children's show. It's not at all creepy!
Full disclosure: This premise briefly inspired me to search for the creepiest G-rated piece of fan art I could find, and post that to maintain a theme... 30 seconds later I found what I was looking for, and changed my mind.
At least this episode won't be worse than that!
The Brony Network
On-demand (will be added as they become available)
TVRip from the Hub (480p)
TVRip from the Hub (1080p)
Any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower, or by email at, and I'll post them as soon as I am able.
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Saturday, 26 July 2014
"Feud for Thought" - Stream/Downloads/Discussion
Another episode featuring the Biskits. So to avoid repetition, have some ponies.
This week, the twins have a fight over academics of all things. This should be interesting.
The Brony Network
On-demand (will be added as they become available)
TVRip from the Hub (480p)
TVRip from the Hub (1080p)
Any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower, or by email at, and I'll post them as soon as I am able.
Saturday, 19 July 2014
"Two Pets for Two Pests" - Stream/Downloads/Discussion
This week, the Biskits are persuaded to care for two chinchillas. Could this be a turning point for the two of them?
NB: Remember, the stream is back to the original channel this week.
The Brony Network
On-demand (will be added as they become available)
TVRip from the Hub (low quality)
TVRip from the Hub (HD)
HD from Ryaless
Any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower, or by email at, and I'll post them as soon as I am able.
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
New LPS fan-game: VinCity!
Recently, Tumblr artists capnpea and Shiny Armor have started a project to create the first LPS fan-game.
As you can see above, the game will feature an art style done entirely in 8-bit and, huge surprise, you will play as Vinnie Terrio as he ventures through Downtown City.
In their introductory Tumblr post, they state that this project is a product of capnpea Gabbie (Shiny Armor) wanting to get some experience in programming and game design. They aim to get it finished by early September, so be sure to follow the official VinCity blog for more updates leading up to release.
Saturday, 12 July 2014
New Short: "Eau de Pepper"
Fresh from Hasbro's YouTube account! A new short about Pepper going nuts... I assume, I haven't watched it yet.
Available here!
"What's So Scary About the Jungle? Everything!" - Stream/Downloads/Discussion
This week, Penny meets the hosts of her favourite TV show. Of course it will turn out fine, just like it did for Pepper-Oh wait...
NB: The channel for the weekly stream has changed for this week only. Thank you, @WingedArtist28, for the heads up.
The Brony Network (King's Lounge)
On-demand (will be added as they become available)
TVRip from the Hub (low quality)
HD from Ryaless
Any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower, or by email at, and I'll post them as soon as I am able.
Friday, 11 July 2014
Announcement from Ryaless!
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I'm sorry guys but it seems that every time I have something to post on The PSI, its sad news. :(
Due to a thunderstorm and heavy lightning strikes in my area yesterday evening, half of my electronics died including my PC's CPU and monitor.
On my own it would take me more than 4 weeks to get new parts for my PC which means I can't upload any new episodes on Dailymotion until then.
Thus I'm asking for your generosity yet again to Donate and raise some money to help me out. In total for the CPU and monitor I need to gather about $200-$225. If you want to help me out even a little bit, you can find a PayPal Donation button on the right side of the website.
Any amount is appreciated and I would be forever in your debt. :)
Thank you in advance. :)
~ Ryaless
Saturday, 5 July 2014
"Tongue Tied" - Stream/Downloads/Discussion
This week's episode is all about what happens when Blythe's super Blythe-powers become common knowledge among the local animal life of Downtown City.
Hilarity ensues.
The Brony Network
On-demand (will be added as they become available)
TVRip from the Hub (1080p)
HD from Ryaless
Any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower, or by email at, and I'll post them as soon as I am able.
Saturday, 28 June 2014
"Hamster Hoods" - Stream/Downloads/Discussion
This week, Littlest Pet Shop finds much of their merchandise has gone missing. Eh, It just fell off a truck. Don't worry, I'm sure Russell's on the case!
The Brony Network
On-demand (will be added as they become available)
TVRip from the Hub (1080p)
HD from Ryaless
Any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower, or by email at, and I'll post them as soon as I am able.
New Short: "Littlest Pet Peeves"
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Source |
Saturday, 21 June 2014
"Secret Cupet" - Downloads/Discussion
This week, we have something that has been becoming more and more frequent on this show: a romance story.
Possibly two, as a matter of fact. And no, I am not presuming to know exactly who they'll be about, before anyone asks.
More good news: we finally have the episode on stream.
The Brony Network
On-demand (will be added as they become available)
TVRip from the Hub (1080p)
HD from Ryaless
Any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower, or by email at, and I'll post them as soon as I am able.
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Littlest Pet Shop Issue 2 is now available for purchase!
The second issue of Littlest Pet Shop is now available to the public!
You can buy it from:
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
New Music Video from the Hub
The Hub posted a new musical number from an upcoming season 3 episode on their website.
You can watch the full thing here.
Saturday, 14 June 2014
New airing time
At the end of today's episode, you may have noticed the new airing time Hub put up.
Mark it down, from next Saturday onwards Hub will be airing new episodes one hour later: 10:30am instead of 9:30am.
"Some Assistance Required" - Downloads/Discussion
Hello everyone!
This week's episode apparently continues the advancement of Russell's modelling career, as both he and Zoe have to deal with a passive-aggressive coworker.
Again, no stream this week. Sorry.
On-demand (will be added as they become available)
TVRip from the Hub (low quality)
TVRip from the Hub (1080p)
HD from Ryaless
Any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower, or by email at, and I'll post them as soon as I am able.
If anyone in the US, with the Hub, has a capture device, please contact us at the Pet Shop Insider, or me directly, so we could coordinate a stream for next week, and offer any necessary assistance. Those of us outside the United States would be very grateful.
Friday, 13 June 2014
Sunday, 8 June 2014
Fifth DVD release this coming September
Good news for those who love physical media. This coming September, Shout Factory is releasing yet another Littlest Pet Shop DVD: Passport to Fashion.
While the exact contents of the disc are still unknown, we can presume it'll contain several of the travel episodes from season two, and maybe even a few from season three, if any pop up. So something to look forward to.
Saturday, 7 June 2014
"War of the Weirds" - Downloads/Discussion
Good 'morrow fellow pet-store-media enthusiasts. It is another day of Littlest Pet Shop.
This week, the pets encounter a UFO.
No stream again this week. Hopefully this'll change in the near future.
On-demand (will be added as they become available)
TVRip from the Hub (megatronacepticon)
TVRip from the Hub (spazz)
HD from Ryaless
Any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower, or by email at, and I'll post them as soon as I am able.
If anyone in the US, with the Hub, has a capture device, please contact us at the Pet Shop Insider, or me directly, so we could coordinate a stream for next week, and offer any necessary assistance. Those of us outside the United States would be very grateful.
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Breaking: Release date & 3 page preview for Littlest Pet Shop #2
Latest news from iTunes of all places. The next edition of the Littlest Pet Shop comic will be released on June 18th.
We're also treated to a three page preview where we learn that Blythe has a nerdy hoarding nature. It's like I have a twin!
Pages available after the break.
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
New LPS DVD: Strike a Pose!
Today, Hasbro has released a new Littlest Pet Shop DVD, which holds 5 different episodes from both seasons 1 and 2. The episodes are:
So You Skink You Can Dance? (written by Mitch Larson)
Commercial Success (written by Julie & Tim McNally-Cahill and Roger Eschbacher)
What, Meme Worry? (written by Evan Gore and Heather Lombard)
The Big Feathered Parade (written by Tom Minton)
and Alligators and Handbags (written by Adam Beechen)
You can order it from:
Sunday, 1 June 2014
Littlest Pet Shop Nominated for the Best Musical Score
This song has been nominated for an award for the BEST MUSICAL SCORE
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This song has been nominated for an award for the BEST MUSICAL SCORE
Yes, the Super Star Life song from the Sharukh episode has been given an award!
Discuss it below!
Saturday, 31 May 2014
"Sleeper" - Downloads/Discussion
Well, Hasbro just refuses to waste any time aren't they?
Yes, despite the fact that it's been a mere two months since the last season ended, it's time for a new season. They just won't let me have a break.
Due to the fact that My Little Pony isn't on the air at this time, we can't rely on haxmega to stream like we could last month. Because of that, us non-Americans must wait until the DVD release to watch the episode... or we wait until someone posts it on the file sharing sites, whatever comes first.
Anyway, this episode is about a narcoleptic raccoon... I assume they were inspired by a Mad Lib.
On-demand (will be added as they become available)
TVRip from the Hub (Google Docs)
NEW ! HD from Ryaless
Any additional sources can be sent to me on Twitter @theblackwidower, or by email at, and I'll post them as soon as I am able.
If anyone in the US, with the Hub, has a capture device, please contact us at the Pet Shop Insider, or me directly, so we could coordinate something for next week, and offer any necessary assistance. Those of us outside the United States would be very grateful.
Friday, 30 May 2014
Saturday, 24 May 2014
Josh Sharpe is coming back for season 3
For those of you who don't remember, Josh Sharpe was a one-off love interest for Blythe in the first season and was never seen or mentioned again outside his one episode.
On Twitter, however, Julie has confirmed Josh will be appearing again in season 3. In other news, NEdoodles is rolling in his grave.
(no one will get that)
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
LPS the Comic Issue #1 Releasing tomorrow
The LPS comic is finally releasing tomorrow and I will supply a full upload of the first issue here.
Be sure to check back by then.
Monday, 19 May 2014
Sunday, 18 May 2014
New Donation Link
Ryaless has supplied us with a new donation link and the Paypal button on the right will be donated by tomorrow.
If you would like to donate to either him for Season 3 1080p uploads or here for improving the site, here is the new link:
Saturday, 17 May 2014
LPS Comic Extended Preview
Comic Book Resources has supplied a bigger preview for the LPS Comic than the iTunes preview, showing the first 7 pages instead of just the first 3.
The preview can be viewed here:
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Saturday, 10 May 2014
Friday, 9 May 2014
LPS Comic given an official release date
(Source: Preview pages (see below))
The iTunes page for the LPS comics has just opened up, along with the release date of May 21st.
You can find it here alongside the first 3 pages as a preview:
Saturday, 3 May 2014
iTunes release of the LPS soundtrack potentially coming soon
(Source: Daniel Ingram's Twitter post.)
In response to Chevistian's question, Daniel Ingram has officially stated that an LPS soundtrack may be coming to iTunes soon. For now, nothing's concrete.
Thursday, 1 May 2014
Season 3 Premiere will air on May 31st
(Source: Samantha Bragg on Tumblr)
On April 29th (sorry for being a couple days late on this), Hasbro released an announcement on their Twitter page stating that Littlest Pet Shop season 3 will begin on May 31st, 2014, presumably alongside the release of the IDW-published comic adaptation.
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
WonderCon 2014 presents our first look at the LPS comic artwork
(Image source: WonderCon 2014, IDW Comics Panel)
For the first time since it's initial announcement, we finally have a first impression on the LPS comic's artwork outside of the cover pages.
Georgia Ball interview from Comics Beat
(Issue #3 cover, Subscriber Variant - drawn by Agnes Barbowska)
Recently, Georgia Ball has been interviewed by Comics Beat at
If you'd like to read the full interview, you can find it here.
Side note: I will be subscribing to and scanning the comics for Pet Shop Insider to see when new comics get released. Check back in a couple weeks for the first issue.
Subscribe to: