Tuesday 29 July 2014

Spoiler Warning: "The Secret Recipe" Sneak Peek

In four weeks, on a very special episode of Littlest Pet Shop...

As revealed in a recently released music video, Blythe might have to reveal her secret superpower to Youngmee. Yes, because that worked out so well for Spiderman! After all, Gwen Stacy was perfectly safe after-oh, wait...

Sarcasm aside, this could be big.

You can watch the video on the Hub Network website.

Sadly, it's restricted to the US, but for those outside the US, like me, I highly recommend the Hola browser extension for region unblocking. It's easy to use, and works like a clock.

1 comment :

  1. Someone uploaded it on You Tube, so for international people here you go.

